- ふるさと納税 hometown tax donation
- 納税者 taxpayer
- 田舎 rural area
- 税額控除 tax credit
- 控除限度額 deductible amount
- 返礼品(地元の特産品) local gift
- 住民税 residence tax
- 所得税 income tax
- 所得 income
- 課税所得 taxable income
- 確定申告 tax return
- 寄付をする to make a contribution, to make a donation
- 納税する to pay tax
- 沖縄の町にふるさと納税をした。 I made a hometown tax donation to a town in Okinawa.
- 山形の村に一万円のふるさと納税をした。 I donated 10000 yen to a village in Yamagata, using the hometown tax program.
- 税額控除と引き換えに田舎に寄付をする。 You make donations to rural areas in exchange for tax credit.
- 控除限度額は所得と家族構成による。 The deductible amount of donation depends on your taxable income and family structure.
- ふるさと納税でいいことは返礼品がもらえることだ。 The hometown tax donation system is great because you can receive local gifts from the rural areas.
- 2000円の自腹で高価な地元の特産品が得られる。 Your out-of-pocket money can be just 2000 yen to get expensive local gifts.
- 寄付金受領証明書がないと還付や控除は受けられません。 No tax refunds or deductions can be completed without the receipts.
- 寄付金受領証明書は確定申告で必要になります。 You need receipts of donations you made for the next tax return.
- 次の年に支払う住民税か所得税が減る。 Your income tax or residence tax will be deducted next year.
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