Outrage over car fire killings turns to calls for immediate action from heartbroken community
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Hannah Clarke and her children were "senselessly and maddeningly murdered" and Austra...
Hannah Clarke's estranged husband stalked her and used 'scary' controlling tactics before killing his family
Car fire killer Rowan Baxter "tried to break" the wrist of his estranged wife after she challenged him about photos of h...
- estranged:別居中の
- douse:~を浴びせる【発音】ダウス
- insurmountable:克服できない
- reel:動揺する
- overhaul:徹底的に調べる【発音】オウバーホール
- vent:(怒りなど)を発散させる
- harrow:~を苦しめる
- madden:~を怒らせる
- welt:みみず腫れ
- wage:(争いなど)をする
- stipulate:~を取り決める【類】promise, agree
- The incident is just harrowing.(事件はただただ痛ましい。)
- He waged against her.(彼は彼女と争った。)
- She showed a welt on her arm.(彼女は腕にできたみみず腫れを見せた。)
- The order stipulated that he had to stay 20 meters away from her.(彼は彼女から20メートル離れるよう取り決められた。)