- He went to the beach, singing his favorite song.
- I looked at the moon, thinking about my parents.
- My brother, being a shy boy, did not know how to talk with girls.
- Turning to the right, you will find a post office.
- Walking in the park, I saw many birds.
- Knowing she was ill, I asked her to finish washing dishes.
- Disappointed at me, he did not talk with me for a week.
- ~ながら
- ~て
- ~なので
- ~だが
- ~すると

- He went to the beach, singing his favorite song.(大好きな歌を歌いながら、彼は浜辺に行った。)
- I looked at the moon, thinking about my parents.(両親のことを思いながら、私は月を見た。)
- My brother, being a shy boy, did not know how to talk with girls.(内気な男性なので、兄は女性との話し方がわからなかった。)
- Turning to the right, you will find a post office.(右に曲がると、郵便局があります。)
- Walking in the park, I saw many birds.(公園を歩いて、たくさんの鳥を見た。)
- Knowing she was ill, I asked her to finish washing dishes.(彼女が病気だと知っていたが、私は彼女に皿を洗うように頼んだ。)
- Disappointed at me, he did not talk with me for a week.(私に失望したため、彼は一週間私と口をきかなかった。)
- He went to the beach, singing his favorite song.(大好きな歌を歌う人は「彼」。浜辺に行った人も「彼」。)
- I looked at the moon, thinking about my parents.(両親のことを思う人は「私」。月を見た人も「私」。)
- My brother, being a shy boy, did not know how to talk with girls.(内気な男性なのは「兄」。女性との話し方がわからないのも「兄」。)
- Turning to the right, you will find a post office.(右に曲がるのは「あなた」。郵便局を見つけるのも「あなた」。)
- Walking in the park, I saw many birds.(公園を歩いたのは「私」。たくさんの鳥を見たのも「私」。)
- Knowing she was ill, I asked her to finish washing dishes.(彼女が病気だと知っていたのは「私」。彼女に皿を洗うように頼んだのも「私」。)
- Disappointed at me, he did not talk with me for a week.(私に失望したのは「彼」。一週間私と口をきかなかったのも「彼」。)